Donate to charity online best granola cereal  
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Order Today: 413-237-7475
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Your Choice Brands proudly donates 100% of its after-tax profits to charities selected by its customers and believes that this philanthropic business model offers a viable and sustainable alternative to shareholder profit maximization.

And so, as a purchaser of our granola, we want to thank you for your patronage—we hope you'll become a satisfied and loyal customer—and now offer you the opportunity to direct 100% of the after-tax profits from your purchase to the 501c-3 charity of your choice. To do so, please complete 3 simple steps:

1. Enter the "Proof of Purchase" Number found on the underside of the back label and visible after enjoying a serving or two.
2. Tell us your favorite 501c3 charity to which we should contribute the after-tax profits from your purchase. Please enter the name of your favorite charity and its EIN number*.
3. Provide us with your email address so we can send a confirmation email.



  *EIN#: The Employer Identification Number is the unique number the IRS assigns to each 501c-3 charity. Providing this number to Your Choice Brands allows us to verify that your chosen charity is in good standing with the IRS. The EIN# of your favorite charity can be obtained from that charity or found at using the “Search Guidestar” feature located on the Website’s home page.

Thanks for your purchase and your selection of a favorite 501c-3 charity!